Monday, March 28, 2011

El cuerpo humano

Haz clic en las imágenes para verlas más grandes. (NOTA: Las "m" y "f" superscritas indican el género de las palabras.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spanish 102 at Amazon SLU

Hola amigos. I have heard from enough people that I am going to go ahead and offer Spanish 102 at the Amazon SLU campus.

This class will be a continuation of a previous 8 week class for beginners. The class is open to people who didn't take the previous 101 course, but you must contact me before signing up to see if this class is right for you.
# of classes/
Spanish 102
Mon / Weds
5:30 – 6:30 pm
3/28 – 4/20
minimum # of students: 4
maximum # of studetns: 8


Course Description:

102:     This class will build on the previous 8 week course for beginners. We will focus on using the present tense and expanding vocabulary. Additional grammar will include the imperative and reflexive verbs.

Payments can be made by the paypal button to the right.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Los Adjetivos

La tarea para la clase del miércoles (día 19) es de buscar 10 adjetivos que describan a las personas en tu familia. Abajo, te ofrezco algunos. Haz clic en la imagen si la quieres ver más grande.

Monday, January 10, 2011

El alfabeto (Day 1)

Si quieres más práctica con el alfabeto y los sonidos de la lengua, haz clic AQUI.

If you want more practice with the alphabet and the sounds of the language, click HERE.

Don't forget to look up 10 new words for Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Spanish classes at Amazon

Hola amigos! Bienvenidos al blog.

I am pleased to announce that I will be offering Beginning Spanish  for Amazon employees on the Amazon campus. Here is what we've come up with:

# of classes/
Spanish 101
Mon / Weds
5:30 – 6:30 pm
1/10 – 3/2
**All Materials Provided**

Minimum # of students: 4
Maximum # of students: 8

DEADLINE for registration: Monday January 3rd 

Payments should be made through Paypal (see the button on the right). Registrations will processed on a first come first serve basis according to the date of payment on Paypal. So sign up now! Check back for updates on available slots.

 Course Description:

101:     For beginners or people with a little bit of experience. The goal of the class is for students to be able to use the present tense and learn enough vocabulary to be able to describe themselves and their activities and those of the world around them.

Please feel free to contact me through this blog or at with any questions or comments.

Hasta pronto,
- z